

香港是一個擁有多元宗教的地區,但在上個世紀社會的教化和輿論導向主要是以西方主流思想的基督宗教 文化作為先驅,但是在隨著香港回歸,大量的内地人才融入帶來了思想的大變革,以及現代經濟和科技的發展,人們逐漸意識到在西方一神論中的宿命論,純粹追求彼岸的世界觀或許與現在的生活形態有所分離。直至今日,香港的中國傳統文化風潮開始復興,于是人們逐漸把目光放到佛教中來。當前香港的佛教蓬勃發展,特別是人間佛教把視野轉向文學、教育、傳媒及政治活動中,逐步顯現其社會教化的功能。本文通過辨析香港地區基督教教化和佛教教化的差異,分析追求人間凈土的出世性與入世性,最後以寶蓮寺的文化活動作為研究的例子,試圖準確地把握當今在香港社會人間佛教如何實現人間凈土的追求。旨在為當前的香港佛教發展推出建議,推進人間佛教在當地的成長與建設。


Discuss How to Realize the Pureland in Real World from Humanistic Buddhism: Taking Hong Kong Polin Monastery as Example

Shihui Ruan

Abstract:Hong Kong is a region with multiple religions; however, the education and public opinion of the society was mainly based on the Christian culture of mainstream Western thoughts in the last century. Because of the return, a large number of talents from the Mainland entered into Hong Kong with different thoughts and changes. With the development of modern economy and technology, people gradually have realized that purely pursued the world view of the other shore may be separated from the current life form. Today, the trend of Chinese traditional culture has begun to revive in Hong Kong, and people have gradually turned their attention to Buddhism. At present, Buddhism is booming, especially when Humanistic Buddhism turns its vision into literature, education, media and political activities, and gradually reveals its social education function in Hong Kong. This paper analyzes the differences between Christian education and Buddhism in Hong Kong, explores the pursuit of pure land and its accessibility in the world. Finally, the cultural activities of the Po Lin Monastery are used as examples to study how to grasp the humanistic Buddhism accurately and how to achieve the pursuit of pure land. This paper is to introduce suggestions for the current development of Buddhism in Hong Kong and promote the growth and construction of humanistic Buddhism.

Key words:Pureland; Humanistic Buddhism; Po Lin Monastery; Buddhistization