
本研究針對正念(Mindfulness)對於工作與家庭間情緒溢出(Mood Spillover)的調節效果進行研究。51位受試者透過智慧型手機,利用surveyvcake雲端問卷服務,連續5天在4個時刻(7am/12pm/17pm/22pm)即時提供他們當下正負面情緒的即時報告。每個填答的時刻,我們利用LINE通訊軟體,提醒每位受試者填答。結果顯示,不論個體是從家庭場域到轉換到工作場域亦或是從工作場域轉換到家庭場域,個體的正面和負面情緒都有顯著的溢出效應。另外,個體的正念特質程度顯著調節個體在轉換場域時的負面情緒溢出。通過這項研究我們得正念對於場域情緒溢出的確有調節效果,為工作和家庭平衡研究做出貢獻。


The Impact of Mindfulness on Mood Spillover between Family and Work settings: An Exploratory Study

Yi-Nung Peng; Sz-Yu Chen

We studied how individual’s level of mindfulness impacts his or her mood spillover in switching environments, from work to family or from family to work. More specifically, we expected that mindfulness moderates the mood spillover between environments based on the literatures. We recruited 51 participants. They were remind 4 times a day (7am, 12pm, 17pm, and 22pm) by a smartphone social communication App (LINE) to fill out an online survey (on SurveyCake). Thus, we can record their mood in specific time. Results confirmed the phenomenon of mood spillover from family to work and work to family. In addition, the moderating effect of individual mindfulness on mood spillover between family and work. We shed some light on how mindfulness may help individual to achieve work-family balance.

Key words: Mood spillover, mindfulness, work-family balance