

社會企業異於傳統企業之處就在於其社會影響力,對社會企業而言,擴展一詞代表著社會影響力極大化的過程。但誠如前美國總統柯林頓所言:幾乎每個問題都已在某處、被某人解決;但令人沮喪的是,我們似乎無法將這些成功的經驗複製到其他地方 (Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere. The frustration is that we can’t seem to replicate anywhere else) 」。因此,如何擴展成功經驗,在更多的地方解決社會問題,已成為社會企業領域中新興的研究議題。然擴展性議題國內鮮有進行系統性之研究。基此,本文分析影響社會企業擴展性因素以及擴展策略,嘗試歸納影響擴展性的關鍵因素,並據此建構研究擴展性與發展策略之途徑。


The Development of Social Enterprises: A Perspective of Scalability

Cheng-Cheng Wu

A social enterprise’s primary purpose is its social mission. In this regard, scaling social enterprise refers a process of maximizing its social impact. As Bill Clinton noted “Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere. The frustration is that we can’t seem to replicate anywhere else”, there has been a significant growth in the number of published research with reference to scaliability and scaling strategies. However, few studies in Taiwan have addressed scaliability. In this study, the author try to identify the key factors affecting the scalability of social enterprise and develop a framework to improve understanding of scalability, and the relationship between scalability and scaling strategies.

Key words: social enterprise, scaliability, scaling strategies