Event Content
Our founder Master Sheng Yen’s Dharma heirs in Taiwan and overseas teach Chan practitioners in different cultures, languages, philosophies, and generations. In this rapidly changing 21st century society, how do they evolve their teaching methods and meditation activities in response to the practitioners’ needs? How they foster new talents of the next generation to take on the mission of spreading the dharma of Chan Buddhism?
Morning: Forum
First session: Venerable Chi Chern, Venerable Guo Xing, Gilbert Gutierrez
Second session: Venerable Guo Jing, Simon Child, Zarko Andricevic
Afternoon: Meditation Workshops
First session (3 venues): Venerable Chi Chern, Simon Child, Zarko Andricevic
Second session (3 venues): Gilbert Gutierrez、Rebecca Li、Karmen Mihalinec & Ela Vukelja
Come to join us in this special event.