A Preliminary Exploration of the Space Practice of the University Campus of the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts in the Master Sheng Yen ‘s DDM World Center for Buddhist Education

Hann-Jen Tseng

Master Sheng Yen has a rich practical process for the construction of the Buddhism World Buddhist Education Park. He has rich insights and concrete practices on the construction of architectural vocabulary, environmental response and even the expression and presentation of Buddhist architecture in the contemporary era.
The construction of university campus space has its basic connotation, and its campus space and environmental management strategy are different from those of the general university. In addition to the treatment of educational concepts, environmental conditions and actual use of space, the corresponding organizational characteristics and buddhist masters in the expression of Buddhist ideas, can be in the architectural treatment and spatial significance of the presentation of outstanding performance.
This study explores the rich history and records of the Dharma Drum Mountain construction and the initial results of the preparatory process of the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts. It will help you understand the inheritance and thinking of Master Sheng Yen ‘s college education in the practice of campus environment.

Key words: Master Sheng Yen , the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts , Buddhist University , University Campus Construction